Frequency Ascent

Each of us is capable of creating magic and miracles purely from intent. Many of us are in the beginnings of restoring this creative capacity within the cellular state as we shed the denser emotional and mental programming that has kept us trapped in standard and linear frameworks.

The sound waves and energetic imprints that surround and permeate LifeFX Living Water Droplets are of a primordial code that was recovered in early 2020 by LifeFX founder Zhara J. Mahlstedt. Shortly before this event, she had been introduced to the minerals used within LifeFX and shown by Spirit to incorporate the two together to create a doorway to fifth-dimensional consciousness that could be used as an access point for conscious evolution and frequency ascent. 

When incorporated into the framework of the water molecule, this coding has been shown to provide doorways for energetic alignments, expansive heart openings, and the reshuffling of beliefs and inorganic matter within the body. 

The energy imprints will affect everyone differently. Some will not notice or be immune to the subtleties, while a few will feel the energetic surge of lightning in their blood as they come fully back up to speed with what it means to be alive.  

For those who are on a high-level spiritual or creative journey, they can use the frequency embued within LifeFX to accelerate their own work or rewrite the coding altogether. 

Join Zhara weekly on her activation and Q&A calls beginning in August 2024. Email to register your interest.

For more information please visit, or on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube @zharajmahlstedt

Click here for customer feedback and love. 
